Mayor’s Message: Grand reopening of Sandra N. Lloyd Community Center and City Hall Plaza

thumb-mayors-message-may-2024By Mayor Trent Staggs

I am pleased to announce the reopening of the Sandra N. Lloyd Community Center and the debut of the newly constructed outdoor plaza behind City Hall. A grand opening event for the public will be held on Monday, May 13, at 6:30 p.m.

The Riverton Jazz Band will be on hand to perform with refreshments provided. We invite you to bring your families to tour the renovated community center, explore the new plaza, and enjoy a refresh of Riverton history.

Sandra N. Lloyd Community Center
The Sandra N. Lloyd Community Center has long been a hub for a variety of events, including wedding receptions, dance recitals, and musical productions. In response to the evolving needs of our community, the decision was made, with approval from the city’s elected officials, to undertake renovations while aiming to retain its historic charm.

Since the work began in March 2023, significant upgrades have been made throughout the facility. These include the installation of additional electrical outlets, energy-efficient LED lighting, new flooring, refreshed paintwork, new kitchen amenities, and restored restrooms.

The community center and plaza will be available for public reservation starting June 1, 2024.

City Hall Plaza
The City Hall Plaza project is one that has been in the works for several years.

Through the efforts of Riverton City facilities employees, we have been able to keep the costs within budget. Using in-house resources, Riverton Public Works crews completed the demotion portion of the project and were able to replace old piping at the same time.

What was once a bumpy parking lot, Riverton residents will soon be able to enjoy major enhancements to the pre-existing City Hall Park.

The new plaza features a small outdoor amphitheater with two-tier seating, a brick restroom, additional benches, a large pavilion, new landscaping, and large bronze tigers that were generously donated by the family of longtime Riverton resident, Dollores B. Shelledy.

In 1930, Riverton City Hall served as a school for elementary and junior high students. A long concrete sign that read ‘Riverton School’ was placed below the flagpole in the front of the building when the construction of the gymnasium, shop, and cafeteria was completed. That 23-and-a-half-foot-long sign will now be used as a place for parents to sit and watch their children play on the playground.

The total cost of these projects amounts to $2.6 million, with $1.7 million going towards the plaza, and just under $900,000 to the community center. Through collaborative efforts involving the City Council, city staff, and $1.2 million in grants, we have successfully managed to keep expenditures within budget.

Riverton City thanks our Salt Lake County elected officials for the generous grant, and we want to thank all our partners who helped make this project possible.

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